Challenge Based Learning
Challenge accepted: where learning becomes an adventure. Unlock your potential through hands-on challenges and discover the thrill of knowledge in action.
A better way to Teach,
A better way to Learn.
Empowering minds through hands-on challenges
Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is an educational approach that immerses students in real-world problems or scenarios, encouraging them to collaboratively devise solutions through critical thinking, creativity, and inquiry. By engaging with authentic challenges, students develop not only subject-specific knowledge but also essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, preparing them to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected world.
Our Framework
We believe the spirit under which your company was formed is a vital part of its future growth.
We treat all our clients as individuals and don’t think a one-sized-fits-all solution will work.
We’ll help you develop a customized plan to get testimonials organically from emails or blog posts.
Our Team
Tina Norman
Gene Tyler
Louise Briggs